
The examples below are for a typical Ubuntu/Debian system.

Installation of oZone libraries and examples

oZone is a portable solution with a very easy installation process. This example assumes you want all the ozone libraries (including dependencies) to be installed at ~/ozoneroot. This is a great way to isolate your install from other libraries you may already have installed.

There are two parts, a one time process and then building just the ozone library repeatedly (if you are making changes to the examples or core code)

One time setup:

# -------------------install dependencies------------------------

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git cmake nasm libjpeg-dev libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libfontconfig1-dev libv4l-dev

# ---------------------clone codebase----------------------------

git clone
cd ozonebase
git submodule update --init --recursive

# --------------- build & install --------------------------------
export INSTALLDIR=~/ozoneroot/ # change this to whatever you want


if you face compilation issues with ffmpeg not finding fontconfig or other package files, you need to search for libv4l2.pc, fontconfig.pc files and copy then to the lib/pkgconfig directory of your INSTALL_DIR path

Once the one time setup is done, you don’t need to keep doing it (building external dependencies take a long time) For subsequent changes, you can keep doing these steps:

# ---- Optional: For ad-hoc in-source re-building----------------
cd server
make install

# ----- Optional: build nvrcli - a starter NVR example ----------
cd server
edit src/examples/CMakeLists.txt and uncomment lines 14 and 27 (add_executable for nvrcli and target_link_libraries for nvrcli


That’s all!

Dlib optimizations

If your processor supports AVX instructions, (cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep avx) then add -mavx in server/CMakeLists.txt to CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE and rebuild. Note, please check before you add it, otherwise your code may core dump.

Building Documentation

oZone documentation has two parts:

  • The API document that uses Doxygen
  • The User Guide which is developed using Sphinx

API docs

To build the APIs all you need is Doxygen and simply run doxygen inside ozonebase/server. This will generate HTML documents. oZone uses dot to genarate API class and relationship graphs, so you should also install dot, which is typically part of the graphviz package.

User docs

You need sphinx and dependencies for generating your own user guide. The user guide source files are located in ozonebase/docs/server/guide

# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
sudo apt-get install python-pip
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme

And then all you need to do is make html inside ozonebase/docs/server/guide and it generates beautiful documents inside the build directory.

Using oZone libraries in your own app

Take a look at nvrcli’s sample Makefile here and modify it for your needs.